Don't lose sight of the big picture
Sustainability is a word that is quickly used, but it can also involve risks!
We think sustainability holistically! All components from our categories: Renewable, Energy as a Service and Sustainability should be considered with their interactions. This is the only way to achieve the best result.
Reputational risks are avoided with caution and anticipation. The demands from the market are constantly increasing. Take responsibility for yourself and your customers with qualitative and transparent concepts.

Road to Zero
Climate neutrality at company, product and contract level
Transparent and independent
Reduce and Avoid emissions
Compensation with quality
Sustainable Development Goals
Sustainable Finance

Green e-mobility
Holistic view
Integration of renewable energies
Optimization of network charges
Load shifting / peak shaving
Intelligent infrastructure
Operator models

Transparency and independence
Visibility of sustainability
Avoidance of reputational risks
Communication strategies
Compensations and guarantees of origin with an impact on the energy transition